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What Is Big, Complex, And Difficult Case In Dentistry?

First and the best way to describe big, comlex, and difficult case is this: someone who needs denture, but don't want to have denture by pulling all the remaining teeth out. Modern dentistry came a long way and has many tools that can restore/keep your teeth that are even on the verge of pulling it out. But, still, it won't cost cheap nor easy to do save it. 

Second, big, comlex and difficult cases are when patient needs lots of different dentist working together. If you need root canal dentist, brace dentist, gum dentist, and oral surgeon to do bone grafting at the same time, it is big, complex, and difficult case.

Third, big, complex, and difficult case takes long time to finish. Any case takes more than two years is big case. Braces alone might take more than a year. Big, complex, and difficult cases start with cleaning, small fillings, braces to move teeth, placing implant toward the end of braces, finish root canal treatment, and finish cases with crowns/veneers at the end. 

Fourth, big, complex, and difficult case invove more complication and change treatment plan along the way. For example, during the six month treatment time, a person could develop abscess on the tooth or gum problem. Then, you have to change the treatment plan from root canal to implant.

It is not for every patient nor for every dentist. Big, comlex, and difficult case is hard to do even for a dentist! Not all dentist "wants" or "should" do big case if he/she doesn't want the headache and wants just simple job of dentistry all day long.

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