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Secret Of Keeping Your Teeth Forever!

How do I keep my teeth forever? That is the ultimate question in dentistry. Unfortunately, most people have no idea. Also, the truth is little puzzling at first. After all, there are only two ways to keep your teeth forever. One is to live really...
Jul 29th, 2020

Secret To Not Getting A Root Canal For The Rest Of Your Life

Secret is to have a big margin of safety by filling cavity as early as possible. But here is the problem with that. In order to fill the cavity miles before it to become a root canal, it can't be rely on you. Rather, it has to be rely on your dentist.
Jul 19th, 2020

Dental Technologies

How important is technologie to a patient when you choose dentist? Acutally, it is not much important as most patient thinks. Definitely, technology is important and updated equipment is almost basic needs at the dental office. But machine's role...
Jul 24th, 2016

"Deep Cleaning Doesn't Sound Natural To Me!"

"What is this deep cleaning business is about? It seems so unnatural to me!" That is what I hear all the time. When a dentist recommends deep cleaning to a patient, it means that the person might have gum disease. The dentist can tell you how often...
Feb 4th, 2016

"Two By Two" And "Three, Three, Three" Of Brushing?

Children need to brush "2 X 2". It means brush two times for two minutes. A lot of people think toothpaste as soap. The toothpaste company, Proctor and Gamble, love you to think that way. But that is not true. The toothpaste is more like medicine...
Jul 23rd, 2015

Why It Is Called Big, Complex, And Difficult Case?

I practice in lower Westchester, where the most people come in from all over the world for the "best". They want to live in the best, send their kids to the best, shop at the best mall, etc. Naturally, they want the best dentist. Not in a glitzy...
Dec 31st, 2014

What Is Big, Complex, And Difficult Case In Dentistry?

First and the best way to describe big, comlex, and difficult case is this: someone who needs denture, but don't want to have denture by pulling all the remaining teeth out. Modern dentistry came a long way and has many tools that can restore/keep...
Oct 26th, 2014

How Old Is Your Dental Age?

Often, I am amazed how my patient is overconfident of their dental health. Most of them think that their teeth are younger than their physical age. I wish that is the true, but often the opposite is true. Often I see that their teeth are 10 years...
Oct 23rd, 2014

Are You An Efficient Dentist?

No. I am not an efficient dentist. Actually, I am so proud that I'm not an efficient dentist. I'd like to stay that way. . . How could life be all about being efficient? Lingering over lunch at the sidewalk cafe in Paris is horribly inefficient way...
May 10th, 2014

Golden Ground Rule For Hartsdale Dental Care

If you follow the ground rule, then I will die for you. . . I am just kidding. But every joke has a little bit of truth in it. I will do the best dentistry that I possibly know. I will bring Army. I will bring Navy. I will bring everyone. . . You've...
May 4th, 2014

What Motivates Me As A Dentist?

Seeing great dentists motivate me. Just like any field, in dentistry, there are some good ones, some bad ones, and some great ones. I'd like to learn from the best and try to copy what they have been successful for years of practicing dentistry. . .
Apr 2nd, 2014

When Am I Happy As A Dentist?

I am happy when I make patient's teeth match just like the person who owns it. I believe that beautiful person should have beautiful teeth. I think smart people should have smart teeth. I think healthy people should have healthy teeth. . . Well,...
Mar 25th, 2014

Why Do I Need Flossing And How To Do It?

Flossing is the best way to kill a bacteria. Plaque (sticky deposite of the bacteria) lives between the teeth and most are anerobic, meaning bacteria lives well when there is no oxygen. So, when you floss, your main effect is to supply the oxygen...
Mar 25th, 2014

What To Expect From A Root Canal Treatment?

New dentistry of root canal treatment doesn't hurt. Comon cliche of hurting like root canal treament is so old. Actually, there is a scientific reason that the modern root canal treatment doesn't hurt. Old method of treating root canal was using...
Mar 25th, 2014

Why Do Dentists Talk So Much?

Because it is so important and matters to you. In modern dentistry, there is at least three ways to fix your teeth. So, the old method of " The doctor knows the best" and telling the patient what to do is over. I often say to the patient, "I can't...
Mar 20th, 2014

What Does It Mean To Be A Good Dentist?

Good dentist is someone you feel comfortable. This is the question that I asked for myself forever. Who is a good dentist, anyway? Someone who offer a dirt cheap treatment? Someone who has exqusite technique, yet talks like robot? I often wondered...
Mar 19th, 2014

Do You Love Teeth? You Seem So Passionate About It!!!

No. I don't love teeth. Actually, far from it. Any professional who are in trench for more than 10 years from school will agree with me that the procedure becomes routine. I haven't talk to any brain surgeon but I am pretty sure that it is not the...
Mar 19th, 2014

Why Are Implants So Expensive?

Because it should last lifetime. That is the most important and simple answer. Just like cars are getting better every year, implant parts are being updated and gets beter every year by implant companies. Actually, the price of implants came down...
Mar 19th, 2014


When I was in dental school, the professor asked students who had cavity. Only half of students raised their hands. Most of them never had a cavity in their life! Yet, when I talk to parents now, I still hear remarks such as "I never even heard of...
Nov 12th, 2011